Central America 2005

A blog of my Central America experience. Get my RSS feed using awasu or bloglines. You can also register to the google group to get an e-mail for each publication. A syndication of the photos only is also available.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Cyber tools for the road

My name is Eitan, and I use RSS readers for about 2 years. I know. I'm an addict :). But, no deny it's a simple idea that really boosted the effectiveness of my stralling in news sites and blogs. So, naturally, I was a terribly frustrated about all the RSS readers I knew. None of them offered a solution for a muchilero that travels between internet cafes in Central America. None until I met my little friend called BlogLines. Surprisingly, I quite like his interface, and - I can now read RSS feeds just like I read my mail. With any simple browser on the world.
(Geeze, I can start writing "testimonials" for firms who need PR...).

Webshots also turned out to be more useful than I could imagine. Since almost any tourist attraction on the globe was already fed to Webshot's databases, I can now compare the ruins of Oaxaca with those of Yucatan with a simple query on their search engine. It does kill the surprise. (I think). No more arriving to this small vilage only to discover it is a thriving city fed up with tourists (or the other way round). Still, it is fun to do a Siyur Makdim before the actual thing.

I know I haven't put up photos yet, but they will come. Don't worry :)


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