Central America 2005

A blog of my Central America experience. Get my RSS feed using awasu or bloglines. You can also register to the google group to get an e-mail for each publication. A syndication of the photos only is also available.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Las Marias

Already the way to Las Marias started good - it's a two hours bus ride from the nearest town. The last 45 minutes of them on an unpaved road. Then another 20 minutes on the back of a truck with another 10 farmers, jumping on muddy hills with one of the most amazing sceneries I have ever seen. Reminded me a lot some drives we had on Vider's Magnum close to Dir Mar Saba a couple of years ago. The place is a couple of cabins on the bank of a river, ran mostly by local people in their early 20s - that do a terrific job of making the stay there enjoyable and fun. At the evening everyone eat together the same dinner, and when the generator goes off at 9pm, people just sit and play cards, tell funny stories, and bugs fly and fry themselves on the candles. Frogs jump by at night, rare birds wake you up at sunrise, and butterflies hang by during daylight. Amazing scenery, and locals with yet another mayan language.
At last my salsa lessons began to pay off. After dancing so much, it was quite an experience to take a shower, though. Rain was pouring outside, the water were cold (but who cares?), and the only source of light was a candle I could carry with me to the shower (which was of course, like the rest of the place, a wooden shack). I still can't decide if it is safer to shower with these electrical heaters that have wires electrifying you under the dripping water. We had a 2 hour tour inside 3km long caves where we had to swim, holding a candle in one hand, climb waterfalls (inside the caves), and jump from 2 meters high (also, 1 hour inside the cave...). Phew, what a weekend!


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